Tune In to BeltLine Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP) Update presentation at ABI’s quarterly briefing.

Tune in June 8 at 6:30 for the BeltLine Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP) Update presentation at ABI’s quarterly briefing.  The SIP aims to lay out what elements of the BeltLine can be completed with the $1 billion available to Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. (ABI) by 2030 and imagine what comes after to sustain and continue the vision.  

The SIP draft baseline scenario would complete the BeltLine Trail loop at a cost estimate of $577 million and fulfill promises for 5600 affordable housing units, but provides no funding for additional transit investment.  However, there are also “what-if” scenarios where transit supportive initiatives could come into play.  

Funding sources assume $100 million each from the BeltLine SSD, philanthropic sources and government grants plus $700 million estimated before the BeltLine TAD sunsets in 2030 - described as conservative compared to historic growth rates.  

Here are some important questions that need to be asked! Please attend the meeting and make your voice heard.

When are we going to use TAD money to fund the core transit component of the BeltLine vision?  Would $150 million set aside for transit from BeltLine TAD revenue by 2030 be too much to ask?

If the BeltLine TAD performs better than estimated, what are the priorities for the additional revenue?  Could an infill MARTA station at Murphy Crossing that would support seamless connectivity for both BeltLine trail and future transit users be on the top of that list?  

Why exactly does the BeltLine TAD have to sunset in 2030?  InvestAtlanta suggests that a TAD should not be closed until the redevelopment plan is complete.  The BeltLine Redevelopment Plan is not complete without transit. The BeltLine TAD’s revenue collections got set back a decade by lawsuits and the Great Recession.  Is there anything in state law that would prevent participating local governments from extending the TAD 10 years if they could agree to some carve-outs for health, safety, and education?

We’ve heard that the BeltLine SSD could be able to repay the 25-year trail bonds in as little as 10 years.  What is the current estimated timeframe to retire that debt?  Is the SSD a potential source of ongoing funds for BeltLine maintenance and programming?

Who safeguards the mission of ABI - and its high urban design and equity values - after 2030?

Please plan to attend on Thursday, and forward this message to all your friends!

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